
ATM System

Consider an ATM system. Identify two different actors that interact with this system. Explain their role in detail. Try to identify actors different than those identified by your classmates.

An ATM system could have two different types of actors, a CreditCardUser actor and a DebitCardUser actor interacting with it.  By using this system, the actors have accounts set up previously and regardless of what type of actor is using this system, they will be able to access both, credit or debit accounts, if they exist.  If the actor only has set up an account for his/her type, s/he will only be able to access that specific account.  Let’s break it down by explaining the role of the actors in detail:
-CreditCardUser:  By interacting with this ATM system, once the actor have inserted her/his card his primary account to access would be the credit account.  S/he would only be able to make a money advance of up to certain amounts if the limit has not been reached.  If no other accounts exist, and/or the actor is satisfied with the transaction, he finished interacting with the ATM system by taking his/her card out.
-DebitCardUser:  This type of actors would be interacting with the ATM in the same way the CreditCardUser actor did, but it will follow different steps once s/he has inserted the card.  In this case, the primary account of this actor would be the debit account.  S/he would also be able to make deposits to the account.  Any other transactions made on the system, would also be allowed if the actor has money available or overdraft protection. 

What is the difference between a scenario and a use case? When do you use each construct? Why?
A Use Case describes a process of the system the same way an actor would see it.  On the other side, a scenario is an instance of a use case describing a concrete set of actions. Scenarios’ focus is on better understanding of an event. Use cases describe all possible cases, focusing on completeness.
Within a system, I would use the Use Case for the main processes that the system involves as a set of events, which is going to give the actors a visible result; whereas a case scenario breaks down a sequence of events step by step for better understand of the process.
Example of a Use Case: Authenticating a debit card at ATM machine.
I use this Use Case because it gives a general understanding of a simple process giving the actor a visible result.  Inserting his card and prompting actions will make transactions that s/he needs.

Example of a Scenario: Debit card gets inserted in the ATM machine and does not recognize the PIN code entered.
This is a possible scenario in the event of the actor forgetting his/her PIN code.  It can be breaking down on different events i.e: error message is shown, second try window appears…