Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Welcome to my Geek Spot...


Just like everything I'll be writing on this blog, the background picture I have for it has a meaning... Mmm... Try to guess why would I like to have a mountain, if the purpose of the blog is to share Computer Science stuff??? The picture might not be the K2 towers (8,611 meters) second highest peak of the world, but it represents it. In fact, I have no idea which icy mountain it is. I just picked the template because it matched my purpose and the meaning I wanted to give to my blog.

By the beginning of my Fall 2010 semester, starting my junior year (as a transfer) at a new school, I already have read two parts of the book for my Software Engineering course. Not exactly what you may be thinking. It was not related to school work. I read the Foreword and the Preface of the 3rd Edition "Object-Oriented Software Engineering using UML, Patterns and Java" by Bernd Bruegge and Allen H. Dutoit. Believe it or not, I was fascinated by these two sections already... couldn't wait for the course to start.

Reading the Preface is what made me change my mind on how to look to a Computer Scientist. I actually compare myself (a computer geek) to a hiker -even though the last time I went hiking was back in 2006. When computer scientists are off to a start of a new project, we "pack our bags" with supplies that are going to be needed -expeditions required pounds of equipment. This might be enough, or might not. Who knows? We can only take just what we need. Once we start "hiking up that mountain" is when we find out.

Making it to the top is our main goal. Developing that so-needed program, or finishing up a final project. Along our way we start using our supplies. Yeah, they start to vanish... We get tired, we stay up all night sometimes trying to make it farther. But we never give up. We drink that water from our canteen, and up we go. Makes us feel like new. We may find that the weather is not what we thought. We find dangerous situations along the way. But that's the whole purpose, overcome whatever is on our way.

I would like to share with you some of the assignments I've worked on so far... You might find useful "packing" them into your bags. Or you might want to take a peek. Whatever you decide to do, it's up to you. I just hope you enjoy my blog.

Oh and please, I take any suggestions, corrections or anything like that. Thank you!

~P. Garcia

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